Thursday, June 24, 2010


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It's no secret that I have a pretty serious caffeine addiction. Let's put it this way: when I worked at Starbucks (I have worked at three), I usually invented at least five totally awesome drinks before you were even AWAKE. Seriously, they were TOTALLY AWESOME. I developed a pretty serious twitch at my third Starbucks actually, which was interesting when I was driving to work across those two old, narrow bridges. I figured I was fine as long as I could still pour most of the espresso shots into the cup instead of on my hand. Besides have you ever had a quad grande americano with two pumps of white mocha? Freaking delicious.

The problem is that I no longer work at Starbucks (though I'm sure I'll be back there soon enough; thanks economy!). I just study all the damn time in a coffee-obsessed town, which means that the lines are too long for me to get enough coffee and still show up to class on time. Well, when I say on time, I mean five to ten minutes late; I have NEVER, as a matter of principle, been on time to my bar prep class. But you get the drift.

I may or may not have spilled coffee on this doodle while doodling it. Or it could have been chocolate. Or both? :(

Let's see that face again, shall we!

1 comment:

  1. I too, have this addiction. Consequences usually manifest themselves in the form of snarls to anyone who approaches me prior to coffee being consumed, or without offering it.
